Friday, April 11, 2008

POEMS :) :)

This is the first time I'm writing Poems.
I wrote this Poem because i felt something.
But , nah.
I can't tell you guys what is it.
Ok , now I'll just let you guys read my Poem.
Hope you enjoy it!

Love But Confuse
I love you for who you are.
Not because you're Cute,Handsome,Rich or other.
You are always in my heart.
Even there's more guy cuter than you,
I'll still love you.
Maybe you won't be liking me or loving me,
but I still will be loving you.
I always sees you with another girl talking,
I'll be very sad.
But I know,its not worth it.
I'll try to forget you,
and try to get rid of you in my mind and my heart.
Or I'll be hurting me ; myself.
But I'll really really try to forget about you.


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