Friday, April 4, 2008

Sport Sucks ;)

I sucks at sport.
Yesterday I was Having P.E on the first period.
before that , the PREFECT was checking at everyone attire before starting the assembly.

It was so Scary.After Assembly we line up went back to class.
Then , we went in to the class.Then ,teacher was saying "Student , we're now having sport check , so I'm going to check your bags".
Its Scary You Know?
I just act normal , because I didn't brought My Handphone.
So Yeah.
After Finish Checking , the bell Rang.thats the first period , and its P.E. Damn Scary , because the teacher is DAMN BIG AND FAT.
i mean how could he be a P.E teacher?
Strange huh?
Then some of us we're like playing badminton , but i didn't bring my Racket , so i didn't have the chance to play badminton.
I suck a playing It.i can't catch the ball properly. Ya know?


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