Friday, April 4, 2008

April's Fool

I've been fool by few friends of mine in school.I've been fool three times(ya know?!).It really suck been trick by someone.(actually not that suck)just because my my classmate.she's a girl,i don't really like her, she was like laughing at me.she sucks you know?!but not in studies , she's wayy smarter than me.almost all the subject she've got huh?she didn't even study.

After that went back to class,before going in the class, the prefect said that "sorry , you can't enter the class until the bell rang".i was like saying "suck" in my heart.don't wanna say that through my mouth , or not the prefect will get mad at me and tell teacher.

then the bell rang , i was like so happy! Then all the student line up outside the class , for the present of the teacher.


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