Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Piano Piano :D :D

This is a video of me playing my New Song.
The song is called MARRIAGE D'AMOUR.
I love this song especially.
because It is just sooooooo sentimentel.
I started loving this song right after i'm at Formation Camp.
Its a school camp actually.
Ok , my story begin like this.
eveyone was ready for dinner.
But before that , we have to bath first.
since we have 2 and a half hour time , after finishing ,
we went in the hall and played the piano.
there's this girl called jane ,
she's one of my friend .
she's DAMN GOOD.
ya know?
she never even learn how to play the piano , but she could play it.
even any song.
i ask her does she have the song notes ,
she says that she don't have.
then i ask her how did she know how to play the song so GOOD,
she say i listen t the song , thats why i could play.
Thats Good huh?
I was so jealous that time.
After I went back KK ,
i asked my piano teacher to sell me RICHARD CLAYDEIMEN's Book.
Right after that ,
i Practise ,
though my teacher didn' tought me yet.
Anyway , this is the song.
i recorded it using my HANDPHONE.
so that everyone would know what song is MARRIAGE D'AMOUR.


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